Answer: is a small creative website for drawings, digital art and design. Here you can find architectural plans or single drawings, material for 3D modeling, different vector images and illustrations. Paintcad gives you instant access to quality digital art and design at a good price.
Answer: Paintcad offers three variants to search image(s).
1.Use the Paintcad search engine to find your perfect stock image, design or vector illustration.
You can choose to restrict search results to show only drawings, images, vectors or just check all formats.
2. Browse navigation bar on the left and view materials by type of file - drawings, images and vectors.
3. Browse and view files organized by major categories.
Finally, when you've found the perfect image for you, simply Add the file(s) in you Shopping cart, Checkout and done payment directly through PayPal, and instantly download your stock image(s) after payment.
Answer: Royalty-free licenses mean every image, vector and drawing comes with no restrictions on time or geographical use.
Answer: No. We not oblige you with creating an account to use our services.
Answer: No. Paintcad offer only Single downloads without monthly pack or daily subscription.
Answer: Files marked as "Editorial" are made for use in stories or articles about newsworthy events or items of public interest.
This type of content can not be used for any kind of commercial purpose.
Answer: When you download vector image, you always get one size- maximum size (min 5000/3000 in pixels) and High-Resolution in 300 DPI per one price. Then you can resize the image in the desired size using application like a Photoshop and other.
Answer: All our online payments are powered by PayPal, but you don't need a PayPal account to buy images.
You can choose during checkout if you want to pay by credit card, debit card or with your PayPal account if you have one.
Answer: You can enter keyword(s) only in English. In the future, can be available in German and Spanish.
Answer: Unlimited. There are no restrictions or limitations on the number of images you can download per day.
Answer: No. First it needs to pay the images and then download. You can download free images from section Free files and use them according to license agreement.
We will try to answer your questions and inquiries within 24 hours.